Real Estate Systems Integrator

Moving into a new home can be an enormous undertaking. It involves more than just transporting your belongings from point A to B. Successful, efficient moves take thoughtful planning, thorough preparation, and skilled execution.

We're not just a consulting company planning and coordinating from the sidelines. Your designated Moving Specialist will be working hands-on, in your home, by your side or in your stead. The degree of assistance is 100% up to you. We offer a range of service levels from a half-day of help to complete moving packages.

Kohler Move Management is available for ANYONE who doesn't have either the energy, ability, or desire to handle a move without assistance. While our primary focus is helping south Florida's aging population, many others can benefit as well.

Move management services are suitable for over-worked executives, stressed-out mom's, part-time residents and anyone who isn't prepared to take on the demands of a move. Home health providers and geriatric care managers know that owning in excess can be detrimental to both health & safety. We make their jobs easier by removing mobility hazards, clearing clutter, & organizing the home. Realtors and retirement communities often hear the phrase "I'm not ready" from people who want to move but are simply overwhelmed by the process. As a move manager, we can relieve some of that stress so they can go ahead with the move.


A free consultation is just a phone call away.

Call Jessica Kohler at 954-708-6491
or Visit